Saturday, October 11, 2008

Summer is, obviously, over.

I heard someone say once that blogs are often like painfully bad Christmas letters that go on and on...and on...year round. Ours could be one of those. Fortunately for our three readers, school has started again so I have very, very little time to work on our blog. But I do know that my friend Jenny actually checks and reads our Perpetual Christmas Letter. I know this because she has begun sending me decidedly UNfriendly emails asking when I am going to remove the (what I believe is HILARIOUS) video of the ass-kicking child and put up a REAL post. So here you go, Jenny. Just be glad that I spared you a detailed account of Shawn's colonoscopy. I'm saving that for the real Christmas letter.
Below: Shawn and Kellie, first day of High School. For Kellie, I mean.

Kellie and me. Obviously.
Kellie, SpiderFreshman, slings her web before heading off to school. Turn your hand over, dingus.'ll never Defeat any Evil Doers that way.
Kellie lives and breathes for Cross Country. Here are a few pics from the season so far.Kellie's first XC trip of Highschool was to Boise, Idaho. The top 8 runners on her team went, and since Kellie is number 8, that included her. They flew down. I don't remember traveling by plane to any sporting events in HS. Then again, I don't remember traveling to any sporting events in HS, period. Except to watch.Kellie came home on cloud nine, with a medal for placing 7th (out of 140ish girls, I think), and muddy spikes to verify the significance of her accomplishment.
Most recently, MSHS competed at Seimers Orchard on Greenbluff. It was a stunning fall day and the girls were psyched. Kellie leaves it all out there every race.
We're over-the-top proud of her.

Ok, one final note. This turkey was challenging his reflection at our basement slider door this afternoon. I'm sure there is something more clever to say about this picture, but I'm only just a little smarter than the turkey so it's not coming to me at the moment. Funny though, isn't it? This is actually the second time we've had a turkey visit our basement door and try to kick his own ass.


benjyjen said...

OK - my emails were not UNfriendly - just a reminder that you do actually have a Duchow Family blog and that someof us really do like to read about what you are doing...Keep on writing your perpetual Christmas letter! I love it! You did not have to remove the little girl - just post past her! Silly Laura - like I said before - goofy all the time! So, when are we invited over for turkey dinner or have you named him and consider him a family pet? Kelli is so beautiful - like her mama! Hey - did Shaun get any pics from his colonpscopy? That would be a fabulous post - it might up your ratings! Not that your ratings aren't already really high! thanks for appeasing me with your new blog post! Love the pics! Thanks, Kettle!
:) the Pot :) said...

I actually came here for the "He goin' kick MY ass" video in need of a good laugh! It actually gets funnier the more you watch it-check your stats, I've seen it here a few times :)
Anyway, LOVED the video of Kellie-I can imagine how proud of her you must be. The fact that she's doing something she loves and does it well to boot must be a lot of fun to watch.
Hope your school year is off to a good start-call me sometime.
hows the IM training btw?

colleen said...

I'm so GLAD you're back! I've checked weekly for....well....weeks for a Duchow update. Glad to see Kellie is loving x country. She is such a beautiful girl!As far as the other updates, I guess I'll start hoping I get on the christmas letter distribution list so I can hear all about the colonoscopy..... :)

colleen said...

ps. I just watched the video and am wondering if maybe you should invest in a tripod??? It's a little 'blair witch project-ish". :)

Kelli Rydeen and Family said...

You and Shawn should really try again for a better looking kid. I mean to have to look at Kellie sorry. What a shame.

It's about time you updated your blog. I happen to know that there are many of us that look forward to the perpetual "Christmas" letters. However for Shawn's sake you can skip me on the colonoscopy, I wouldn't want to embarrass him, now Mike on the other hand might be interested to know what he is missing!

Glad to see you are back! Now update your IM training blog!


LORIE said...

You two look like twins. . . I am home in bed and thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog. Thanks for sharing.

Phaedra Cote said...

Yes, I agree, Kellie is beautiful but I'm more intrigued by the turkey. That right there is some good entertainment. Now I've got to go and find the infamous ass-kicking video clip.

love you-