Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Kellie was 4th in the Freshman race at Districts last weekend, and because she's previously beaten one (or two? I can't remember these things) of the three girls who were ahead of her, she needed a little cheering up. Molly, in her afro (a gift from Kellie), did a great job helping Kellie out of her little slump. I love these pictures. Girlfriends are priceless.


Tiffany said...

Great post...and SO true! Good girlfriends make the world a better place!!

p.s. LOVE the fall look of your blog! :)

colleen said...

Girlfriends ARE the best....aren't they??? :) The first picture really captures that.
Great new pic on top too. You and Shawn are such great supporters of your daughter in your x-country sweatshirts! Love it!

blended by grace said...

Oh, I love this post, Laura!!Girlfriends ARE priceless for sure. I'm so glad to "connect" with you again after (yikes) 20 years!


benjyjen said...

Three cheers for girlfriends! A little chocolate, some wine,and good conversation...okay, maybe Kelli and her friend should skip the wine! But we don't have to! Have you read Julia's Chocolates yet? Wow - you are a blogging maniac now! I love it! Were did you get the cool background? Keep on blogging!

jessithompson said...

GREAT post... you're right. Support from friends is priceless. Especially girlfriends who 'get it'.

Danna and Kevin said...

Those are sweet pictures of Kelly and her girlfriend. It reminds me of a couple girls way back when...

Kelli Rydeen and Family said...

Sometimes you just need a good girlfriend to make you feel better. I love the pictures of Kellie. I can't help but to keep reminding you of how beautiful (oh ya and talented) your daughter is, as if you forgot?